We help you attract, retain and promote the best talent
Talentohq.com isn't just HR software It's talent management with expertise. We provide you with the tools to empower your workforce and unlock their full potential.

We help you attract, retain and grow your employees. Talent management is key to your company's success.
Performance assessment
Define competencies and objectives by job position. Automatic generation of talent matrix and radar/spider charts. Create customised assessments, manager-only, self-assessment, 360...
Customised definition of competencies and objectives by job position.
Create one-off or periodic assessments, customise questionnaires and participants (manager, self-assessment, 360...).
Compare employee evolution across different assessments. Visualise data in the talent matrix.

Feedback and work climate
Detect issues before they become a problem and receive feedback from your employees. The information is integrated into the 1-on-1s automatically.
Customisable and anonymous work environment surveys.
Tool for receiving employee feedback with satisfaction and engagement indicators.
1:1 meeting management. Define questions for managers.
Proprietary metric for evaluating work environment and employee engagement.
Objectives and OKRs
Create objectives and OKRs, perform automatic tracking and measure their fulfilment.
Define objectives and OKRs for each employee. Each objective can have associated tasks and task owners.
Automatic sending of emails requesting periodic updates of objectives and OKRs.
Associate objectives with employees, teams, offices...